Saturday, October 1, 2011

Something Big!!!!

      The other night I attended a pot-luck dinner at a friend's house and being in a social environment surrounded by good food and new friends, I was inspired, happy, and reassured that Florence is the place for me to be. So since all Italians turn to food when they are happy, sad, angry, emotional, or have no emotion at all, I was inspired to cook a feast in celebration of being here for a month. Well, the little over-achiever in me  has decided that it is time for something big...really really big...and scary, and expensive, and that does not even fit in my oven. This morning, I got up, went to the market and purchased 50 euros worth of grouper (cernia) in the form of two very large and scary looking fish. As I watched them cleaning it for me, I started thinking "HOLY SHIT what am I DOING?!" But that is exactly when I realized this: I have already put my toes in the warm waters of cooking and I am now ready to jump all the way in. This is the time and the place for me to experiment with food, cooking, and my own courage. The whole thing might be insane and maybe I am too, but nonetheless I am here with a tiny oven, an open mind, and an eagerness to explore the wonders of Italian cooking. So I guess I am asking for you all to wish me luck! I will keep updating throughout the whole process. Now, for example, I must go shopping for baking pans seeing as we only have one that is tiny. Ciao!

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